Blogger Backgrounds

Saturday, January 15, 2011

kunjungan seribu makna....

salam sumer...

aiman haziq...
mak bpk n aiman dtg jmpe ak...ak hepy sgt ble ak kua je dri pntu kolej aiman da jerit nme ak..
ble ak dtg je dkat dy..dy trus pluk ak..teharu pon ad..mkin dy rindukn ak...bgitu juga ak...
erm..yg pling best nya..aryni ak dpt mkn mskan mak ak..ase nya da lme ak xmkn masakkn mak ak...
tp aryni ak bertuah dpt mkn mskan dri air tgn ibu...mekasey mak..mekasey sbb bwkn nsi n lauk kesukaan yun...

mkinkah semangat yg hlg semlm akn pulih tok hari ini???i hope...

my parents that i love..

naper ng ak?? can i cry???

salam sumer..

ak ak xtaw np...
pg td ak hepy ble msok blik je ak mula sdey...
da dkt 2 o 3 mggu ak cmni...g klas pon krg smgt..
nk wt pape pon cm xde mood...
if someone say "hey amani...what wrong with u ha???"
n i will answer that question with smile n nothing words that came out from my mouth...
i cant answer that question...y???bcause i dont know whats wrong with me...
did u know that..i write this blog with my tears??
ya..its true..i still cry...
but dont know y..

dear to my heart..
dont cry dear...u still have ur life...u will make it fun..try to color ur life with any color u want it to be..
life will fun like full of colors of rainbow...amani..did u reliaze that...not every colors on rainbow that all people loves..its same like life..not every single thing that happen in ur life will make u happy..n i believe that..that particular thing that u r not rely like, it will become something that will make ur life complete..thus thing will become ur because experience is the best teacher for our life....